Case Studies
Sawyer Lyons
Buick GMC
1005 Route 10,
Randolph, NJ 07869
LED lighting
Boiler upgrade
Custom 163 KW solar energy system
Sawyer Lyons requested that we not share any financials for their case study.
3,566 KwH
7,554 Therms
88% Electricity Reduction
Donnelly Energy and Sawyer Lyons Buick GMC recently partnered together on a sustainability project that would transform the car dealership’s energy usage, including a low-cost energy efficiency upgrade and custom solar array system.
Sawyer Lyons had sustainability in their mind, having already invested in energy-efficient LED lighting in a few key areas on their own. Through their membership with NJCAR, partners at Sawyer Lyons learned about Donnelly Energy and consulted with us on ways we could further improve their facility in their efforts to become environmental stewards.
The first phase of work focused on replacing one 1.7 million BTU boiler with two new units at 97% efficiency, as well as upgrading lighting to LED for some missing areas. These upgrades were made through Direct Install from The SAVEGREEN Project® by New Jersey Natural Gas (NJNG). Donnelly helped secure much-needed financial incentives through the program, including a 0% APR on-bill repayment option, resulting in no upfront out-of-pocket expenses for the dealership. The incentives funded 100% of eligible project costs, resulting in no upfront, out-of-pocket expenses for the dealership.
The second phase of Sawyer Lyons’s clean energy investment: solar. Donnelly Energy designed a 163 KW solar energy system that would fit on the dealership’s rooftop, consisting of 937 panels. One made live, the solar array was expected to reduce Sawyer Lyons’s electricity by 88%.
New Jersey’s clean energy future is well on its way, with businesses like Sawyer Lyons Buick GMC leading the way to implement and advocate sustainability in commercial spaces. Donnelly Energy is proud to be a partner in the effort to help the Garden State lower its energy usage and carbon emissions, as well as invest in renewables.

This Solar Energy project was eligible to receive federal tax credits, depreciation credits, and Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECS).
Direct Install from TheSAVEGREEN Project® by New Jersey Natural Gas(NJNG) provides turnkey and affordable solution for NJNG customers to reduce energy costs by replacing outdated equipment and systems with energy-efficient alternatives. Participating businesses can enjoy special financing and the convenience of the NJNG On-Bill Repayment Program
(OBRP)*, repayment charges are included right on your NJNG bill.

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Benjamin Franklin