Roxiticus Golf Club

Roxiticus Golf Club 2560 1707 Donnelly Energy

Case Studies

Golf Club


179 Bliss Rd,
Mendham Borough, NJ 07945


(3) 5-ton air conditioners, (2) 4-ton air conditioners, (1) 12.5-ton packaged HVAC, (1) 40-ton heating unit
(2) gas-fired boilers, (1) water boiler


Total Project Cost: $699,000
Incentives Secured: 489,300
Customer Portion: $209,300
Estimated Annual Savings: $15,400+


76,339 kWH
17,976 Therms
190 Metric Tons Co2 Reduced Annually

Roxiticus Golf Club had begun working withDonnelly Construction on a renovation of their Men’s Locker Room when the topic of energy efficiency was brought up. The club had aging HVAC and boilers that were getting costly to maintain and raising their utility bills.

Donnelly Energy was brought in to explore Roxiticus’ energy upgrade opportunities.

After conducting a free energy assessment of the country club, we worked with their general manager to discuss their budget and pain points, determining that they would be a good candidate for PSE&G’s Small Business Direct Install program.

Donnelly’s recommendation was to replace the club’s existing lighting HVAC rooftop units with high-efficiency equipment and upgrade two of their boiler systems. Work was done simultaneously with their locker room renovation during the off-season, with minimal downtime.


The carbon emissions this project reduces is equal to removing 35.3 passenger cars off the road each year!


PSE&G’s Direct Install program offers up to 80% off energy efficiency upgrades in the lighting, heating, and cooling categories for businesses throughout New Jersey.

As a contractor for PSE&G’s Direct Install, Donnelly was able to secure upfront incentives to help lower the cost of the upgrade. Paired with the program’s 0% APR financing, Roxiticus was able to upgrade with no money out-of-pocket.

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”
- Benjamin Franklin