Covenant House Atlantic City

Covenant House Atlantic City 2538 1418 Donnelly Energy

Case Studies

Covenant House
Atlantic City


929 Atlantic Avenue,
Atlantic City, New Jersey, 08401


(3) Direct Install Lighting and HVAC projects, UV Lighting


Total Direct Install Cost: $338,097.76
Incentives Secured: $263,781.58
Customer Cost: $74,316.18


328,706 kWh
16,202 Therms
315 Metric Tons CO2 Reduced

Covenant House, a nonprofit providing support for young people facing homelessness and survivors of trafficking, has worked with Donnelly Energy on various energy efficiency upgrades since 2016 for two of their New Jersey locations.

Donnelly Energy has conducted various phases of lighting and HVAC upgrades for the Covenant House’s Newark and Atlantic City locations under Direct Install from New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program.

Focusing on mostly relamping/reballasting fluorescent lighting to LEDs, Donnelly was able to help the nonprofit upgrade its lighting in the most cost-efficient way, with the maximum amount of incentives available. As HVAC units began showing signs of aging and inevitable failure, Donnelly also stepped in to help upgrade those through Direct Install.

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Donnelly Energy also provided UV lighting solutions to Covenant House to help bolster the nonprofit’s cleaning efforts.


Our work’s combined carbon emission reductions are equivalent to removing 75 cars off the road annually!


In 2021, Direct Install switched to a utility-based format and is now administered by every New Jersey public utility. Donnelly Energy is proud to be a participating contractor and trade ally with every utility.

Nonprofits like Covenant House can receive up to 80% of their energy efficiency upgrades covered up front, with the remaining financed at 0% APR.

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”
- Benjamin Franklin