FY20 Direct Install

FY20 Direct Install

FY20 Direct Install 1280 850 Donnelly Energy

New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program™  has officially announced program changes for Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) including changes to Direct Install, effective July 1st. 

As a trusted participating contractor for Direct Install, we’re here to help you navigate the changes and make the most out of your FY20 energy efficiency project(s)!


Average ≤ 200kW for multiple facilities sharing common gas utility bill

Potential participants with multiple facilities sharing a common gas utility account would be eligible to participate in the Program so long as the average kW demand of the facilities sharing that account ≤ 200kW.


Municipalities and K-12 Public Schools to receive higher incentives and project caps

Direct Install will be increasing the incentives and project caps for municipalities and k-12 public schools throughout the state, allowing for more upgrades to be done throughout the FY20 year.

  • Incentives will now be up to 80% of total measure cost vs the traditional 70% off.
  • Each project will have a $250k incentive cap vs traditional $125k
  • $4M per FY Entity incentive cap vs $250k/$500k.

Urban Enterprise Zones (UEZs) and Opportunity Zones (Ozs) to receive 80% funding

In an effort to increase program participation and energy savings in state and/or nationally recognized Urban Enterprise Zones and Opportunity Zones, Direct Install from New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program™ will cover up to 80% off of energy efficiency projects.

To determine if your business location is eligible, visit https://www.nj.gov/njbusiness/financing/uez/ and click on the 32 designated zones link to type in your facilities address.

Schedule a FY20 Direct Install Assessment Today